Burn Injuries
Years of Experience
About Burn Injuries
Every day, thousands of people seek treatment resulting from burn injuries. Unfortunately, some of these people die or suffer from permanent injuries that linger even with the best medical care.
Now, besides the pain resulting from the burns, the experience may lead to prolonged suffering and psychological trauma. Even the family members that are taking care of the victim are psychologically affected too.
Now, besides the pain resulting from the burns, the experience may lead to prolonged suffering and psychological trauma. Even the family members that are taking care of the victim are psychologically affected too.
Types of Burns
Whether the burn is a thermal burn, chemical burn, radiation burn, electrical burn, or non-accidental, the victim deserves justice.

First Degree:
These are minimal burns that only causes pain and epidermis reddening contact our burn injury attorneys today.

these are more severe burns that affect both the outer and inner parts of the skin. You may experience severe pain, blistering, irritation, as well as swellings.

the burns not only affects the inner and outer skin layers but underlying muscles and bones. Besides taking long to heal, these burns may lead to permanent scarring.

with fourth-degree burns, the 2 skin layers, muscles, bones, and underlying fat are affected. The victim may also suffer from a functional impairment, disability, or even death.

Burn Injury Classifications
For a more personalized review of your burn injury case, contact our burn injury attorneys today

Workplace injuries

Motor accidents

Blocked fire exits

Electrical injuries

Tanker explosions

Fireworks accidents

Oil & gas accidents

Hot water accidents